About the Project
Thank you for your interest in informing yourself.
The short version :
A growing library of video files for viewers who are looking for unbiased, independent, nonpartisan, and authentic information
regarding the September 11 Attacks.
No politics, no ideology, no propaganda, no conspiracy theories either, no hypothesis. Just facts, and the images themselves disclose
the most precious information. No affiliation, neither with any government organization, nor with the so-called 'truth movement'.
These videos are an independent editor's cut. They are not the same as the director's cut, whilst the final cut privilege is held by the government anyway.
The long version :
To me, it's all about people. Those who lost their lives. Those who lost a loved one.
Those who got traumatized in any way by the events. And those who are looking for answers, but haven't found them yet.
I will not give those answers either. Not at this moment. It's still a work in progress. Therefore, I am not offering here any hypothesis, no results of my research, not even
my opinion, well, basically not. For now, I only let the pictures speak. Those videos are telling a story for themselves. And they are revealing a lot. More than one might think
at first sight. And viewers are able to think for themselves.
It is my objective to add some solid answers to the videos, later, but not now.
I experienced my own September 11 from a safe distance, almost uneventfully in Newark and Jersey City, NJ. I saw the fires from afar. And I fearfully looked into the barrel of the rifle of one National Guard soldier, who terribly yelled at me because I did not instantly
and not fully comply with his orders. I would have loved to sneak into Manhattan at the time when there was a lock-down. But I understood the soldier, or maybe his rifle.
I only walked through the dust in the streets later, when the lock-down was lifted. Still today, I do feel that acrid smell in my nose, and it's there to stay probably for as long as
I live. I also looked into dozens if not hundreds of eyes of children who lost at least one parent.

And I'm admitting that I am somehow traumatized myself. I was an Air Traffic Controller when it happened, fortunately off duty on that day. And before acquiring my ATC license, I intensively worked with Boeing 757-200 as a representative of one leisure airline, solid cockpit experience included. The know-how is available, but I'm unable to fly that bird.
It's a little bit hard to explain what it means to ATC staff, when you're supposed to be in control, but you realize that you are not. Fortunately, it didn't happen to myself. But it triggered my motivation to learn more, to do my own, independent research, as well as the desire to share the results with people like you. Soon, hopefully.
I stopped believing in what politicians say no later than the day when I quit my earlier job with the media. That's already been more than 30 years ago. Since then, exclusively facts matter. No politics, no ideology, no propaganda, no BS. No wishful thinking either, and no conspiracy theories anyway. But I also distance myself from the so-called 'truth movement'. It is my firm belief that the ah 'truth movement' isn't anything else but a psyop, in order to lead those who doubt the official narrative into a one-way dead end street, using some limited hangout. Like the decoy Building Seven, for instance, where the alleged "smoking gun" isn't smoking at all. The official narrative is surprisingly accurate when it comes to Building Seven.
My videos are a little different from those that are circulating elsewhere on the internet, though the footage is often the same, as it has been released by the government anyway. I call them an independent editor's cut. Different from the director's cut, and from the final cut. I do not rely on video productions made by the government. But I take note of them.
I refrain from digital image manipulation. In my opinion, any so-called 'enhancement', as observed in other videos, is tampering with evidence. I consider these video documents as material evidence in the disaster investigation. My objective is to use as much raw footage as ever available for a highly authentic document, and to avoid edited material if possible. I also conserve artifacts 'as is', and the limited number of FOIA patches, which I may use, may have encountered earlier compression losses.
However, I adapted all footage to NTSC standard (SD), doubled the frame rate to 59.94 fps (60000/1001), and tried to restore the audio, if possible, when necessary. Though working with mostly uncompressed footage, this online version is presented in the HEVC/H.265 video compression format.
Accurate timing is important to me. I believe in spacetime. I am using a different Time reference system than the U.S. government or researchers either directly or indirectly affiliated with them. There is only one official time in the United States, and it is provided by the United States Naval Observatory (USNO) Master Clock. Back in 2001, it was broadcast thru the Digital Time Code of NIST's WWV /WWVB radio station. Therefore, I made my own time analysis, whenever possible, using this official time code relayed by various TV broadcasters.
Even though it has generally been released by the government, the copyrights of the footage itself is owned by the videographers, or, in some cases also by the television networks. The rest is my own work, with reference to Creative Commons and 17 U.S. Code § 17 (Fair use). These videos have been created for exclusively educational, non-profit purposes.
Dedicated to the lives lost on September 11, 2001, and in the aftermath of that day. May they rest in Peace.
Thank you for taking the time to inform yourself.