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Welcome to my website!

Connie Mazur, Photo Model, Art Model, mature, feminine, versatile, commercial, artistic, publicity, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


And thank you for stopping by.  Rooted in Poland, of mixed Polish,

Ukrainian, Jewish and French ancestry, I grew up in an agricultural environment as the youngest child of survivors of Nazi atrocities.

From a very early age on, I experienced how Stalinism actually feels, consequently developing a strong aversion against all forms of

ideology and collectivism.  This has shaped my worldview.


I did an apprenticeship in hotel management in Canada, but stronger

was the desire to help overcoming the divide between the East and

the West.  Having accumulated ≡ 466 ECTS credits and graduated in international studies, I evolved into an anti-academic who proudly

threw away Wittgenstein's ladder.  I have fairly little respect

for academic degrees and titles, my own ones included.

Knowledge and competence do not need degrees.


I started writing primarily for one major international news agency

and also producing TV news.  Berlin-based, right on the front line of

the Cold War, I reported from Europe before, during, and after the fall

of the Iron Curtain.  In addition, I served as an Army reserve interpreter,

as well as on the diplomatic floor.

It was what I saw and heard first-hand from political figures that made me abandon my aspiring career in the early 1990s.  So I began working in the

aviation industry, gaining experience in airline check-in, in aircraft handling

on the ramp, in meteorology, to some degree in the cockpit, until I made it

into the tower as an air traffic controller and eventually training instructor. When I became medically unfit for aeronautical jobs, I launched a

low-profile modeling career, until my age made me step back.


There are many unanswered questions throughout the past 90 years, which academics apparently avoid but which deserve unpolitical, nonpartisan, and unbiased answers. Ranging from World War II via the War of Terror until our current, as I call it, War on Dissent. I now dedicate my time to some or many of those questions. This is a long-term project and takes time and patience, but it is my aim to share

the results of my work with people who might be interested in ideology-free but fact-based answers. Hoping you belong to them.

Cordially   Connie

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